Hello this is my part of my homepage where i put stuff 'bout
ai! what do u want to know about me?
well, hum..... i don't really know what? except that i'm 17. and i live in Canada.
See what i do is go on the internet,
find things like songs, roms, and other cool things.
what i do when i'm not home (meaning
not on internet) is what anyone does chilling.... well that all about what i do
um use-lez things u wanna know
color: Gold
animal: the cat
sign: Aries
others: none...why would i put
"other"? beats me? oh heres one... gotta love that girl below!

The people try to pin bull shit on me, but i stay away from fools they do crime and
attract cops, cops got cuffs and silver stuff. i'mma tell u straight up and down,
it's for real, it's going down like this, by all means nessasary, dag i'm vary scary, burn
a whole club down. now u see this one right here this is for everybody, this is for my
people east, east, west, south, but u know what? before i get on outta here i gotta say
one thing to y'all beat biters it's about to be the year 2000 u know what i'm saying? and
i'm kinda sick of that kat-kat-kat-kat u gotta come up with ur own originality ur own
style, no love loss, all i gottasay STOP BEAT BITING!

Picture of the
creator of this web page. VIN.
Well the above
is a picture of me in the beginning of grade 10 in 1997. mind the hair.... it's different
most of the time.
i want this picture back. so who
every scanned this 4 me.... better give that back it's exclusive.
ok, that statement posted above has
been there since the beginning of tyme, i don't think i'm getting it back.
